Residential Garbage Pickup

When it comes to waste management, northern Colorado residents can count on Ram Waste Systems to provide safe and reliable trash and recycling collection services. We understand that dealing with residential garbage can be a hassle, which is why we are dedicated to making trash removal as easy and convenient as possible.

Residential Pickup Service

Request Residential Pickup

We are committed to providing the highest level of service to our customers and to protecting the environment.

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Dispose of your trash

Ensure that your trash is properly prepared and ready for collection

Waste removal

Our team collects your waste based on the service option you've chosen.

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Our Residential Can

Make It Simple

Garbage pickup service is crucial for the health and environment of local communities. It’s an essential service that reduces the spread of disease and pests such as mosquitos, rodents, and cockroaches. With regular, on-time residential garbage collection, we make sure these hazards are removed from your neighborhood.

Ram Waste Systems has a curbside trash pickup service with both automated and manual collection.

Take the Lead in Safely Disposing of Batteries

Handle batteries with care to prevent fires. Never toss them in curbside bins; it's a matter of safety.

Correct Trash Can Placement

The Placement of Your Trash Can Matters

The correct placement of your trash can will ensure the collection of your garbage, recyclables or yard waste.

Most collection trucks are armed with an automated electronic arm that grabs and empties the bin. This efficient process streamlines collection and prevents potential injuries.

For Your Home

More Residential Services

When it comes to waste management, northern Colorado residents can count on Ram Waste Systems to provide safe and reliable trash and recycling collection services.